Fascia/Restorative/Yin Training - $169
Fascia/Restorative/Yin Training - $169
Available spots
Service Description
Our Fascia, Restorative & Yin Yoga Teacher Training is a comprehensive program designed for yoga teachers, movement professionals, and dedicated practitioners who want to deepen their understanding of the science of fascia, the therapeutic benefits of Yin and Restorative Yoga, and how to facilitate deep physical and emotional release through mindful stillness. This training integrates evidence-based anatomy, Eastern philosophy, and modern movement science to help you become a confident, knowledgeable, and intuitive teacher. If your aim is to lead deeply rejuvenating classes, enhance your students’ mobility and flexibility, or support healing through passive postures, this training will provide the tools to do so effectively. Although this is a Yoga Teacher Training course, it is open for the public and certified Instructions can gain CEC credits through the Yoga Alliance.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
For all trainings cancelled less than 48 hours before the start time, or any no-shows, a late cancellation/no show fee of $75 will be charged. In the event of an emergency, please contact management directly at info@lifeyogastudio.com Only one (1) emergency cancellation per year will apply. Emergency cancellation is at the discretion of Management, otherwise penalty will be applied. No refunds will be honoured in the event of any late cancellation/no show. Trainings may be cancelled in the event there is an emergency with the instructor or studio, low sign ups or an act of God. If this happens, we will reschedule the training. We appreciate your understanding under the extenuating circumstances.
Contact Details
Life Yoga Studio, 61 James Snow Parkway North, Milton, ON, Canada